How to Replace a MAP Sensor
How to Replace a MAP (manifold absolute pressure) Sensor
Materials Needed
- Gloves
- Pliers
- Replacement MAP(Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor) sensor
- Socket wrench
Step 1 Locate the installed MAP sensor
There is a rubber vacuum hose running to the MAP sensor, and an electrical connector with a group of wires coming from the connector.
Step 2 Use pliers to remove the retaining clamps
All clamps retaining the vacuum line should be disconnected also moved down the length of hose to free the vacuum line from the nipple connected on the MAP sensor.
Step 3 Remove any bolts holding the MAP sensor to the car
Use socket wrench to remove any bolts securing the sensor
Step 4 Remove the electrical connector plugged into the sensor.
Unplug the electrical connector by squeezing the tab down while firmly pulling the connectors apart and connect the new sensor to the electrical connector.
Step 5: If the MAP sensor was bolted to the vehicle, replace these bolts.
Make sure to tighten the bolts, but do not overtighten them. Use a wrench with a short handle.
Step 6 Replace the vacuum line and any clamps that were removed.
Reconnect the vacuum hose.
The replacement is complete.
Reference (2018). How to Replace a Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) Sensor | YourMechanic Advice. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 May 2018].
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